There are three tasks each week:

First, there's a blog entry (about 250 words)which will have you respond to a hopefully thought-provoking question.

Second, there's a reading. There’s no blog entry associated with this. Just read.

Third, there's a written response to the reading. Your reading and writing on the blog must be completed by the Friday (by midnight) of the week in which the reading falls.This entry should be a long paragraph.

Monday, November 12, 2012


Ok, folks, this is the last week of reading and writing on here. obviously, you still get to do your final essay, due on turnitin on the 26th, but you also have one more chance to blog this week.

So, here it is. Tell the others in the class of a reading that you have done lately that you find compelling for whatever reason. For me, I subscribe to Outside magazine and just read an article they have that is pretty frightening. It is called "How to Unplug from the Wired World" and deals with the problems associated with being so plugged in all the time. There is a real re-wiring of the brain that occurs, and it mimics addiction to drugs...so, the article deals with the need to get out to nature and leave the phone and ipod at home. I could not find the article online, but here is a pretty good one on the same issue: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/05/how-the-worlds-most-wired-people-unplug-techies_n_1653809.html


dr. s


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  2. This article has been the most appealing to me so far. I am usually not interested in the computer science field or anything remotely close to it, however, this article really intrigued me. We were assigned this reading by one of my professors this quarter and I thought it would be great to share it. Its a little lengthy, but it does bring up some good points and with our past election in mind it might help spark up some thinking.


  3. I cannot recall the actual website the article is on, but what I do know is that its from mens health.I am positive if you go to www.menshealth.com you can find it. I am a physical education and Kinesiology major and I love to keep myself fit and learn new concepts. My husband and I subscribe to mens and womens health and are constantly getting articles emailed to us. A while back, about a month ago, my husband told me about an article that shocked me so he let me read it off his email. As I mentioned, I have no idea of the actual website. Ok, this article was about how people spend so much time working out their core and abdominal muscles. But did you know that if our posture is not perfect and we begin to slouch, one loses and/or weakens those muscles. A person's stomach will not look so "ripped" and their core will not be strong, neither their back. This because you, yourself are not training those muscles the correct way and slouching alone makes your stomach pouch out. This, for me, was great advice especially to all those individuals who spend five to ten to even thirty minutes working out your core and abs. If you do not keep your posture correct throughout the day, you just wasted your time. I found this article very interesting and one can try to look it up at www.menshealth.com.

    1. I shortly looked around the Menshealth Magazine website and found a daily stretch that can help a persons posture. I thought it would be great to share!

      • Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent.
      • Place a fist on each of your temples and bring your arms in front so your triceps are parallel to the floor and your elbows point forward.
      • Pull your chin to your chest and exhale as you go into a comfortable crouch, bending until your elbows hang down between your knees.
      • From this position, slowly stand up straight and unfold your body as you inhale.
      • Straighten your legs and back and swing your elbows outward so they point out to your sides.
      • Lift your chest and arch your back as you raise your chin toward the ceiling.
      • Hold this final position for 5 seconds. Do five repetitions.

      Read more at Men's Health: http://www.menshealth.com/fitness/quick-core-stretch-better-posture#ixzz2CLHSeB00

  4. An article I read and found compelling recently was about unhealthy breakfast sandwiches. My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer last year and my doctor suggested that I get checked and start living a healthy lifestyle. One of the first steps of being healthy is eating breakfast. In the morning I am not always so hungry, but I know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day so I make sure to eat, even if its just a banana with milk. However one thing I loved and enjoyed eating in the morning were homemade breakfast sandwiches. I recently came across an article on yahoo which stated that fast food breakfast sandwiches were found to be very unhealthy for you. I am hoping that homemade breakfast sandwiches aren't as unhealthy because that is one of my favorite meals for breakfast and I wouldn't like to find out I've been eating very unhealthy all this time; I don't eat them everyday but I do enjoy them here and there. I was happy to read that breakfast sandwiches aren't number one on the list not eating breakfast was. I also learned that eating fiber could help you live longer. The article is very interesting and informative and I hope it may help the rest of you as much as it did to me. Please take the time and read it after all this article may add a few more years to your life!


    1. I read that too. Shocking, regarding diminished blood flow.

    2. WOW! I am glad you came across this article, now I need to be more careful about what I have for breakfast.

    3. Wow! I too enjoy those breakfast sandwiches from fast food places. I might think twice before going to get one next time. Thanks for posting an interesting article.

    4. Nancy very informative article. I always knew that fast food breakfasts could be unhealthy, but I never thought that not eating breakfast could be hazardous to our health as well. Thank you for a great post!

    5. Wow, very informative article. I am always interested in reading about nutrition and overall health.

    6. I love breakfast sandwich, Im going to think twice about getting a fast food breakfast sandwich next time.

    7. Hello Nancy, I am sorry to hear about your mom. My friend who just turned 30 a couple of months ago passed away last month from cancer of the stomach. It really bothered me because he was one of a kind. He lectured me one day about how he felt and that if he would have eaten healthy he would not be going through chemo therapy. The article you choose was very interesting and may God help your mom.

    8. I don't like eating breakfast either. If I do eat breakfast I usually stop and get a fast food breakfast sandwich. After reading this article I am going to opt for some cereal or oatmeal instead. Thanks for sharing!

    9. This was such an interesting and surprising article. I would've never known that! I guess I need to lay off the Egg McMuffins.

  5. As we all rely on technology for high speed communication. Some are left wondering how the values we grew up with fell apart or lost. In the article from The New York Times written by Vivian Yee "A School Distanced From Technology Faces Its Intrusion," a school offers some high schoolers an opportunity to experience the simple things and teach them a little about when times were better. The experience would teach the children to put their technology gadgets aside to experience the simple things such as hiking, enjoying real life company instead of social media. The small things that nature has to offer allows these young kids to experience what makes a wold of difference. The kids also learn how to care for animals which teaches them selflessness, a trait that many high schoolers lack these days. Some kids experiences taught them that there are more important things about life than social media and the distractions of technology. One boy named Andy Sharp was surprised that his focus shifted by saying, "I didn't think that was going to happen to me, but it did," he shared that his focus shifted to things that where directly in front of him. There are advantages in teaching our youth about the simple things in life. Raising teenagers is difficult in itself, but if they learn how to give back to our nature, such as caring for animals, doing community service, and allowing them to learn how to appreciate the small things allows them to become well rounded adults. Focusing to raising this generation better will allow a good future for our future generations to come.


    1. Interesting article Claudia! The balance between the use of technology and fundamental values being preserved is unfortunately are tough battle. It will be interesting and hopefully insightful to see how the balance is met by the youth in years to come.

    2. Interesting article. It is hard balance all the tech with basic values these days. Especially since we rely so heavily on technology.

    3. I think this is a great article and is hitting on something people really need to think about. I do agree that technology has given us so many good things but it can also (and has) brought bad things about as well. I believe children in these coming generations grow up to fast because if technology and how available anything is for them. And they do not know about simpler times and simple living, it seems as most of the world now days would go crazy with out technology! This is a good read!

  6. These days it might seem that everywhere you go, you always see someone on their cell phone, Ipad or any other technologically advanced device. People glued to their cell phones whether they’re checking current news, weather or updating on a social media website can seem like society relies heavily on new technology. The younger generation is deemed “plugged in” referring to them always on the computer, watching TV or on their cell phones or electronic devices. An article I read talks about how students have shown symptoms of withdrawal when they are asked to go twenty four hours without technology. The article cites “Researchers found nearly four in five students had significant mental and physical distress, panic, confusion and extreme isolation when forced to unplug from technology for an entire day.” This study gives off the idea that young people cannot function without their devices right beside them. After the experiment students talked about how they didn’t know what to do without technology. Some stated that they felt worth of not having technology while others merely didn’t know what to do. Others had more face to face interaction because they were not glued to their device. The increase in technology use can also resort to obesity. The students who participated in this experiment could have easily took a walk, bike ride, or some kind of physical activity to get the blood flowing. Technology has helped us in many different ways throughout the world and shows no sign of slowing down.


    1. This kind of news is disturbing to hear about our younger generation. Seeing as, they are our future.

    2. I agree we are too plugged in to technology and everything that our health is at risk more then ever before.

    3. I'm finding all these articles about being too connected to technology very interesting. I had never really thought that being too plugged in could lead to with drawl symptoms similar to addictions. This article seems very interesting.

    4. Tavon, thanks for the interesting post! Recently, I was with a friend and her twelve years old son at a farmers market, and we saw a fruit that was orange but didn't quite knew what kind of fruit it was, so we were going to ask the vendor and have a little conversation with him, but before we even can walk to the vendor, my friend's son already surfed the web and found exactly what kind of fruit it was and where it comes from etc.. I can't deny the fact that I also enjoy technology, but our next generation is taking it one step too far; I fear that their social skills are becoming eluded without them realizing it.

    5. Great article it really brings to light how dependent we are on technology. Technology has become such a big part of our lives that removing it from our lives would force us to completely restructure the way we live.

    6. Hello, I totally agree with this article. When I could not use my internet on my phone because it was not working for a brief while, I felt so out of touch with everything.

  7. http://www.cosmosmagazine.com/factfile/5487/misophonia

    I found this article very interesting, because I have Misophonia. I was not like this before. I recently about 3 years ago noticed that every little thing was bothering me. I decided to see my family doctor about my situation, when I began to note that my frustration was getting out of control. I didn’t feel like me anymore. Finally, after my doctor ran some test on me, he told me I had Misophonia. He said I had developed Misophonia because I was constantly stressed out. Working a full time job, attending school full-time, while still trying to maintain a social life is rough to do. He recommended I get therapy, I gave it a try, and it didn’t seem to work. It might have been because the therapists voice seemed to annoy me, and I wasn’t really paying attention to her. I remember saying to myself, please time hurry up and pass by so this lady can shut up. However, I did notice that on days I would work out I was able to control my issue better. I would sometimes try to distract myself and get myself to do something else, so that I wouldn’t hear the noises that were bothering me. And so far, my method has seemed to work for me. It has been of great help to me. Though, I never hurt anyone physically, I know I hurt many verbally during the time I couldn’t control myself. I said some very mean and hurtful things to those who were around me at the movement of my outbreaks. Having Misophonia is a horrible feeling, when you don’t know how to control it.

    1. Vanessa,

      The good thing is that you are trying and keep doing your best to beat it. Good job describing everything though I could picture it as I read. Especially you sitting down and wanting time to hurry up. I will sure read this article and find out more about Misophonia.

    2. Vanessa,
      This is really interesting and I can relate to you in a way! I have obsessive compulsive disorder and have problems through out my day, and I have found when I workout or play basketball it really helps! I don't know exactly what you go through but can kind of understand!

    3. Vanessa, your post is very interesting. I have never heard of misophonia before. The best thing you could have done for yourself is go to the doctor. That is a big step because most people would have waited till the problem got out of control.

    4. I had never heard of misophonia but it sounds very stressful. I tend to get irritated quickly and I get frustrated easily, and it is difficult for me to deal with that. I imagine it is ten times harder for you.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Many people surf the web at local coffee shops and are easily interrupter by slow networks. New software for wireless access will police traffic, and keep this interruption from happening. Wi-Fi networks begin to slow down because of massive amounts of users who are trying to connect to a single access point. The new software WiFox, will give priority to networks that are receiving more traffic in order to prevent a slow connection. The software was developed by Arpit Gupta a graduate student from North Carolina State University. The software is able to avoid duplicate requests and thus speeds the flow of traffic. This new software has been tested to raise Wi-Fi performance up to 700 percent. WiFox software will however slow performance down for real-time application such as Google Talk. WiFox will be presented at ACM CoNext 2012 conference next month, and will be available by December of this year.


  10. I really don't do a lot of new reading or article reading so i will talk about a book i recently finished reading that i thought was very well written. It also is part of a very long series that have all been written very well.the story line is amazing and keeps me very entertained. The book i just finished was "The Mark of Athena" by Rick Riordan. It is the third book in the heroes of Olympus series, but it is the eighth book in the Percy Jackson series. I think that these books have taken a very modern and logical approach to the way of life if there were roman and greek gods. The writer has thought of every aspect of life that might change for these kids, and has made everything in these books modern and up to date with society. They are so well written that if you start to read them you cannot stop. I think that they are compelling to read and even talk about. I was so compelled to read them that my daughter saw me doing it all of the time and decided to start the series. She is twelve and has finished all eight of the books in the last 4 months. They are amazing and everyone should get a chance to read them.

  11. My homepage is always set to Yahoo France so I try to read as many articles as possible. I find it important to stay aware of what's happening across the pond. So the other day I read an article that talked about the change of the euro. They mentioned that they are going to change the colors of each bill and will be put into circulation starting 2013. They also talked about taking away the 5 euro bill and making it into a coin instead. The reason for the change of color must be because of counterfeits and especially because of the crisis that many European countries are in. The reason that they want to change the 5 into a coin would simply because many governing bodies see more value in psychical coins rather than paper.
    This was not the same article I read but it was one that was similar to it: http://www.sudouest.fr/2011/03/31/vos-billets-en-euros-vont-changer-de-couleurs-a-partir-de-2013-358962-730.php

    1. Will this change in color of the bills cost European countries much more to produce?
      This color change in bills reminds me a lot of Mexico as they changed the colors as well as the material their currency is made from. Quite interesting!

      Merci beaucoup!!

  12. I have not read a particularly interesting article lately. I do receive "daily fit tips" from Fitness magazine and I always find the yoga articles interesting. (That is something that I am very involved in). Many of these articles are similar and are not compellingly interesting unless you are somewhat interested in the topic. I did, however, just finish book one in a science fiction trilogy by C.S. Lewis, called "Out of the Silent Planet." Now I will be the first to tell you that science fiction does not interest me at all; however, I could not out this book down. One of the most striking features of the novel is the world created by C.S. Lewis on what we know as Mars. C.S. Lewis is so creative in the creatures and landscape he creates and effectively describes it so that the reader understands and can visualize the land. I would describe it as a mix between the "Chronicles of Narnia" world and the space adventures of "Star Wars." I highly suggest it if you are at all interested in fantasy or science fiction.

    1. I have never done yoga before, but have always wanted to try it. I guess I should look at Fitness Magazine to find out more about it so I can try it out some time!

  13. Recently, I have read Richard Louv’s excerpt “last child in the woods.” This article really assured me that I am not alone when I feel that our children need more nurture from the nature. I feel that because of the advent of technology, our kids are less involved with the nature; yet we the parents encourage them to be green and recycle etc., but we ignore the big picture that in order to love the nature they really have to be intimate with the nature. I have an 11 years old daughter, and most of her classmates already have cell phones, Facebook accounts, and laptops in their bedrooms, so I really encourage all of you to read this article and not just talk about the nature, but I urge you to get involved with the nature.

  14. For my other theme class I'm taking a History of Modern Art class, and we got to learn about surrealism and the artist Salvador Dali. I usually visit this website called cafemom and it has part called the stir where they post articles. In the article, Mysterious Donor Gives Very Rare Salvador Dali Etching to Goodwill by Sasha Brown Worsham she talks about a work they found by Salvador Dali that they will be auctioning off. I like how the person was not selfish and actually donated to Goodwill. It's hard to find people that will give away an original work by Salvador Dali. They will be auctioning it starting at 10,000. Its great that this painting will go to a great cause and will help people out in need.

  15. I normally always read whatever article Yahoo has on its front page. They are all good articles but none had got me thinking as much as this one. The name of the article was “Man Finds Doppelganger in 16th century Italian Painting.” The article was about a 20 year old college student finding a picture of himself in a 450 year old painting. The painting is an exact match to the college students face. They even offered to make a painting of the student so that they can compare them next to each other. This got me to think that after so many years of human existence we all have to have a doppelganger at one point in time. I think if we look hard enough we can find people that resemble us in an unrealistic way. Some of us might of already found our doppelganger, I know I have. When I was younger I was with my family and we found a kid the looked almost identical to me. It is a weird feeling knowing that someone resembles you so much.

    1. It is amusing to hear people say that they saw someone who looks like you, but its much more interesting to see them ourselves!

  16. I am psychology major and I am taking biological psychology lab this fall quarter. One of the assignments is a lab write up on the visual system, which we did about two weeks ago. We could choose any of the terms used from the lab, so we had to choose one and then go find to articles that were recent depending on our birth year and write about them I chose the pupil and found some interesting articles. I am very interested in human sexuality, and that is my emphasis of study under psychology. I try to have that emphasis shown in most of my projects, papers and assignments. So I found to articles that I found very interesting, both showed that people who have larger pupils are much more attractive than those with smaller pupils. One study was done by people choosing a book by the cover picture (one of the women on the cover had larger pupils the other smaller) and the other article talks about when creating a avatar on the computer those with larger pupils (among three other characteristics) were more attractive/popular. And both studies showed that it was true the book that had a woman with larger pupils sold more and the avatars made with larger pupils were more popular. It is very interesting and easy to read even if you don't understand the statistics part!



  17. I recently read an article in Runner’s World about how changing your running route, form, and mileage can help prevent injury. I have been doing races for about four years now and in that time I have learned how upping mileage can keep me from getting hurt during longer races but I did not know that changing my form and route could have the same benefits. The article suggests alternating between soft and hard surfaces for running routes. The softer ground, such as dirt or grass, gives your joints some relief. Softer ground also allows you top run on varied terrain, which makes the runner change their stride and direction; this is helpful since we often do not know exactly what the road will be like on race day. The author also talks about how changing your form can help prevent injuries. They suggest running with a slight lean forward, no more than a few degrees; when you run with no lean you are forcing yourself to land hard on your heel with each step. The article wrapped up with a few simple exercises that you could do to help sooth out your stride. I found this article interesting because I am always looking for ways to improve my race time. Unfortunately, I was unable to find the exact article online.

  18. Before starting my day, I always read the news on Yahoo. One of the articles that caught my attention was,"Miss America Contestant Opts for Double Mastectomy at Age 24". There is this picture of this beautiful girl who represented Maryland in 2011 for Miss.America. This particular girl is making a very smart decision that could save her life. Her mother died from breast cancer; however, there could have been a chance she could have survived if they cut both of her breasts instead of just one. Many of her female relatives have passed away due to breast cancer. I admire the fact that she is standing up and doing whatever it takes to fight breast cancer. Many women her age, and especially the ones competing for Miss. America would not dare do something as drastic as a mastectomy. I think she is a great role model to young girls because her health is more important than her "look". Cancer is a serious issue, and women should never feel ashamed of getting a mastectomy done in order to save their life. Women are not objects that should look a certain way, and what needs to be done should be done without any hesitation. http://health.yahoo.net/experts/dayinhealth/allyn-rose-taking-control-her-life-double-mastectomy

    1. Wow that is a very interesting article. I agree with you, she is a grest role model to yound girls. Cancer is a horrible thing to go through and I am glad this woman is doing what she needs to in order to protect herself.

    2. I agree that she is a good role model for young girls. We need to teach girls that beauty is within not just on the outside.

  19. I subscribe to the magazine Consumer Reports and I read an article a few months ago about the 10 dangers of vitamins and supplements. I wanted to read this article because my fiancé goes to the gym a lot and he uses quite a bit of supplements, like prework outs and weight gainers. The article talked about how supplements are not risk-free, you can overdose on vitamins and supplements fairly easy. This article also talked about how the FDA has loose standards for supplements and vitamins in comparison to prescription drugs. The only warning label that is required on supplements and vitamins is the risk of iron overdose in children. There are some supplements that actually contain the same or similar active ingredients as prescription drugs, but because they are considered supplements not prescription drugs they do have warnings about possible side effects. The article closes with saying that the average person can get the necessary amount of the vitamins and supplements they need by eating a healthy and balanced diet, there is no need to take supplements or vitamins. This article worried me about my fiancé and all the supplements he takes. After reading this, I am definitely going to do some research on the supplements he uses. I could not find an online source of this article but it is in the September edition of Consumer Report if anyone is interested.

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  22. To be completely honest, I don’t pay much attention to the news and struggle to keep up with everything that is going on. I’m a little bit embarrassed to admit it. Maybe I can add it to my long list of resolutions for the new year. Having said that, I have not read very many articles recently. Although, there is one area of the paper that I occasionally find myself drawn to. The sports section. I especially like to follow up with any articles that involve Bakersfield College football. My dad coaches the team and I love when the paper publishes an article on the players. Having my dad as the coach does not necessarily mean I know every single member of the team or anything about their personal lives, so being able to read about some of them is nice. I get to see another side to the players than what I see on the field. Here are a couple of links to some of the interesting articles on the team and some of the players: http://www.bakersfieldcalifornian.com/sports/college/x1191476493/Difficult-childhood-fuels-lineman and http://www.bakersfieldcalifornian.com/sports/college/x1250044112/From-front-lines-to-defensive-line

  23. Recently in the news there has been a lot of talk about the Benghazi incident in Libya. According to reports a mob of Muslims attacked a US consulate in the evening hours. The thing that is amazingly confusing to me is how there have been multiple reports of the attack being a planned act of terror. President Mohamed Magariaf of Libya reported that the attacks were a planned terrorist attack on the US. Press Secretary Carney denies reports that it was a preplanned attack and the white house reported multiple times that it was a group of angry Muslims that attacked because of a film that made fun of the Muslim religion. In the past year Libya has been a war zone and it is shocking to me that the US could have let four US citizens get killed including the US ambassador to Libya.

  24. I have not really read anything much lately except for a news article that I read on Wednesday about a little girl that got ran over on her way to school. This happened in the town that I live in, Delano, and it has brought our community together for this little girl's passing. It took an effect on me because I think that people need to be careful when driving or crossing the streets because accidents do happen. Also, I think that people should also read into what really happened, because a lot of people are trying to blame someone for the incident when in reality it might have just been an accident and no one is too blame. It is one of those situations that people really need to think about and take into consideration for future events.
